Ber «costablankere» registrere seg


Provinspolitikere i Alicante ber alle utenlandske statsborgere som bor på Costa Blanca om å registrere seg hos tilhørende kommune. Kommunene får bevilget penger av den spanske stat basert på antall innbyggere og er derfor avhengige av at folk registrerer seg. Siden 2012 har innbyggertallet for hele provinsen gått ned med over 100.000 personer, noe som gjøre registreringen desto viktigere.

Politikere fra partiet PSOE i Alicante har lagt frem et forsalg i provinsstyret om en kampanje for å få folk til å registrere seg. «Empadronamiento» som registreringen heter er påbudt for alle som bor i Spania og skjer ved byens rådhus eller annet kommunalt kontor. Registreringen er også en forutsetning for en rekke andre rettigheter og tjenester, som for eksempel arbeidstillatelse og gratis helsetjeneste (helsekort).

Innbyggere behøver ikke vegre seg for å registrere seg grunnet eventuell usikkerhet knyttet til lovlig status i Spania, i det kommunen ikke kontrollerer oppholdstillatelse.

For mer informasjon, se dokumentet på engelsk nedenfor:


Empadronamiento – Information and formalities

The municipal register is the administrative register that includes all the neighbors who live or usually reside in that municipality. According to the law, every person living in Spain has the obligation to register in the municipality where he resides.

The registration will be the document that accredits the time of permanence in Spanish territory, regardless of nationality or legal status, ie whether or not you have residence or the same in process.

In order to register, you will need to establish a domicile, which does not have to be your property, it can be for rent or the house of a relative or an acquaintance. It is advisable to carry out the registration when you arrive in Spain.


Registration is done at the Town Hall corresponding to the place where you reside. It is a very simple process and this document will be necessary:

To apply for regularization or residence and work permits,

It entitles you to apply for the health care card,

You will be required to make the exchange of the driver’s license in case there is an agreement with your country of birth,

It is essential to carry out the school registration of your children

And all other procedures inherent to foreigners.


One of the most important reasons to register in the municipal register is that this registration is the proof of establishment to get the final papers. As well as access to municipal benefits, such as social assistance.

There is an organic law of 2003 that establishes the renewal of the enumeration every two years of all the foreigners without authorization of permanent residence.

If you are in an irregular situation you should not be afraid to register at the City Hall corresponding to your address. The City Council does not control the legality or illegality of persons residing in Spanish territory.

The City Council only keeps a record “El padrón” of the people who live in its jurisdiction and verify the situation in which they are.


Documentation needed to register. Apply in the office of the City Council that corresponds to you according to your address:

The Individual or Collective Registration form.

Photocopy and original of the passport.

Photocopy and original of the contract of rent or the authorization signed by the owner of the house where it is housed. If this is the case, it must be included in the form in order to be able to register at home. Likewise the owner of the house will have to renew his registration to include you.

In case of children, will present photocopy and original of the passports and family book


Address change:
If you change your address you must request in writing the discharge in the municipality where you establish your new residence. The municipality within the first ten days of the following month will notify your old municipality to request the removal of the register.

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